array(2) { ["links"]=> array(2) { [0]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(4) "Home" ["url"]=> string(28) "" } [1]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(7) "Privacy" ["url"]=> string(48) "" } } ["count"]=> int(2) }

Privacy beleid  Secure Online Shopping

Secure connection:

When placing an order, your data is encrypted and transmitted to us through a secure connection. You can recognize the secure connection by the lock icon in the lower right browser, or the green address bar at the top of your screen. We offer you maximum security so fraud or theft of data won't happen.


We highly value your privacy. All personal data is therefore treated with extreme care. We hereby adhere to all legal regulations that strictly apply to personal data. You can have access to the personal data stored on request and have them changed by us.

What information do we collect?

If you place an order with us, you'll need to provide your personal information to process your order. This information will be checked by us for accuracy.

General information:
This is data such as a name or address, that you will have to fill in the order form. We use this information to verify your order.

Your email address:
 We use your email address to confirm your order and to notify you when your order is ready for shipment. If you signed up for our newsletter (and you have confirmed this registration), we will keep you updated on news and offers from time to time. If you no longer wish to receive our newsletter you can easily unsubscribe.

Your telephone number:
We use your phone number for marketing purposes.

Traffic Data:
For each
visit traffic data is stored on our website. These are, for example, the number of pages that have been visited or which articles are ordered. This data is not personal and is only used to improve the usability of our website.

Why do we use this information?

The purpose of processing the data:

Personal Information
- The processing of your order

- The delivery to the specified delivery address
- To keep you informed on offers and news (if you have signed up)

Traffic Data
- To promote the usability of the website.

Your information is safe with us

We will not sell your personal information to any third parties and we shall only share this exclusively to our contracted collection agencies  in case of non-payment. Your data is stored on secure servers. Competent staff at are the only people who have access to the personal data and have a duty of confidentiality. If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please contact us via email: or phone: +31(0)85-4010928.